February Predictions for SAGITTARIUS, CAPRICORN



Planet Jupiter rules over your sign. As the month opens, your ruling planet, Jupiter, is busy conversing and holding meeting with celestial stars, namely-Saturn, Sun, Mercury and Venus. Mars will then align in the sky to make sure all goes well. What an amazing planetary tide for you. In 5 months period, from 12th of February through 28th of June, the destiny will open a new door for you to walk through. Your personality and understanding of the true nature of world will also undergo a transition/change. You will build security (in terms of money, comforts and family) for this period of time. Money matters will be important for you, as would be your family. I see you surrounded by your loved ones and after the year 2020 with lockdown and all, this will be a welcome change. It is also a wonderful time for taking moments to enjoy through comforting endeavors. For you, material security will provide emotional satisfaction, having possessions and money will give you a sense of emotional security. Surprisingly, Sagittarius, I also see you make dietary changes; you will eat tasty food that not only tastes good, satisfy your palate but is also good for your health. The year 2020 has left us with an important lesson—we cannot undervalue health!!!


Planet Saturn rules over your sign. Your sign is hosting is a big planetary meeting this month. It is very very rare for outer and bigger planets to meet and this month, outer and inner, big and small, all are sitting together (very rare) and you have been selected by this universe to host this celestial meeting. In 6 months from 12th of February, these changes will slowly open the gate of change for you. Mars is the only planet not attending this celestial meeting, this means keep your will power strong, be determined and persistent in your efforts, no matter how unbelievable and challenging circumstances may seem (Mars is the planet of action). If, you have new ideas and talent, execute your plan now, as good fortune, good money, good career and good health, all are possible, you only need to show your intent to show this universe. There will be, of course, challenges and delays, because all planets that are sitting together for this meet are not friendly to each other but that is the beauty of life, there is never an ideal situation. However, it will be comforting for you to know, there will be amazing new opportunities and possibilities, waiting to be picked by you, in the year 2021 and February (after 11th).
