As per Vedic astrology, planet
Saturn rules over your sign. The focus on first 10 days of this month, from 1st
October through 10th October, will be on repayment of old loans, get
money (if someone owes you money also included), money spend on family, health
and normal everyday routine expenditures may slightly be more than usual. In
second half of the month, although the focus would still be on money issues
however this time you would also think of money you can get through rentals,
commissions, sales, inheritance etc. Some of you may think of investing money
in landed property, sale or purchase of land in 6 months period from 16th
of October 2020 through March 2021. You would also be serving, caring and
nurturing towards your family and also those who are not well or underprivileged.
Now, let me share big astrological news with you. On 23rd of
September, last month, Rahu-ketu, nodes of moon changed sign. Rahu-ketu remain
in one sign for 1 ½ years and complete one cycle in about 18 years. Rahu will
be entering your personal, home, real estate and family sector of your solar
chart and ketu would be affecting your career. This means for next 1 ½ years
rahu-ketu are affecting you personally and professionally both. Please do not
fear reading this, rahu-ketu transit is neither good nor bad but just brings
sudden and unexpected surprises in life and if you are running the mahadasha
also of rahu or ketu then this transit will change the direction of your life.
As per Vedic astrology,
planet Jupiter rules over your sign. The month starts with something important
(could be work, money or personal life) for which you have been trying for a
long period of time will finally happen and by end of this month or beginning
of the next month, monetarily also important for you. The past 6 months may
have been important for you and the experience of this past 6 months may have
added a new dimension to your personality. From 4th of October
through 25th of December 2020, planet of action, Mars, will be
travelling through your own sign. It will be a very busy phase of your life. In
3 months from 16th of October, you may enter a new relationship or
re-define existing personal relationship. Some of you, who are single, may find
a suitable match/partner. For those who are already married, will work towards
forming better understanding in their married life, however, Mars presence in
your sign suggests it will not be easy, you may lose your temper or keep your
feelings bottled inside affecting your health. Professionally, Jupiter’s
presence will bring better work opportunities but you will have to act quick. Now,
let me share big astrological news with you. On 23rd of September,
last month, Rahu-ketu, nodes of moon changed sign. Rahu-ketu remain in one sign
for 1 ½ years and complete one cycle in about 18 years. This placement will
bring good results for you in coming 1 ½ years. You will work hard. Your mind
will be sharp and with your wit and better understanding you will get monetary
benefits too. The signing of new contracts is also possible in this 1 ½ year’s
period. Travel or change of neighborhood is also indicated for you.
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