November 2020 Monthly Forecast: ARIES, TAURUS



Planet Mars rules over your sign and finally, on 14th November, your ruling will become direct. What it means in simple language is that from 14th November onwards your planet will start gaining strength. For you, this is important astrological news and second important astro-news is that on 20th of November, Jupiter, the planet of luck and good fortune will change sign. For you, this is important, as Jupiter will now enter the career sector of your solar chart. In coming one year starting from 20th, your career will gain momentum. If you are self-employed, you will have growth opportunities, promotion and also your social status will rise. For those who are single, this planetary change brings beautiful chances of matrimony. However, a word of caution for you—please takes care of your health. Any underlying health issue may now surface and may require immediate medical attention. Please understand this is the advantage of reading horoscopes in advance, forewarned is forearmed. Aries, this is not all, November is a happening month—on 29th-30th of November, there is a powerful Lunar eclipse. This eclipse will highlight money sector and will remain strong for next few months. The money you save, the money you earn beside your regular income (commission, rental, sales etc.) and this eclipse will also highlight loans and debts sector of your solar chart. This is a powerful lunar eclipse, I would not advise you to take loans or debts in this festival season. Doing prayers or being involved in charitable deeds will bring prosperity in this powerful month of November.



Planet Venus rules over your sign. The winds of change now move towards you. From month of November 2020 onwards you can slowly and steadily ‘feel’ life is changing and in the year 2021 apparently you will get to ‘see’ the big changes in your life. Rahu, the north node of Moon, is now placed in your sign and will remain so for next 1 ½ years. Rahu will bring sudden and unexpected changes. Jupiter, the planet of good luck and prosperity, was traveling the expenditures, loans and passive income sector of your solar chart for past 1 year and on 20th November, Jupiter will shift to the next sign. Luck will support you in coming months. November is a happening month—on 29th-30th of November, there is a powerful Lunar eclipse and this eclipse falls in YOUR own sign.  You may get a push from universe to make changes in your life especially in money matters. For past 1 ½ year money may have been a sore point for you but, if you wish, you can bring necessary changes. If, you are self-employed, you will have more work from now. It will be a very busy phase of your life. You may also have more work projects. However, this should not be the reason for you to neglect your health. Good diet, healthy work routine and exercise or workout should be on your list. If, you want to lose weight, starting from the month of November, planets will support you.

