Monthly March Forecast: AQUARIUS, PISCES

As per Vedic astrology, planet Saturn rules over your sign. Aquarius, your life is changing and you are changing too. Prioritizing what you want is what will lead you there, as you have beautiful planetary tide to help you. From 1st through 12th, you will be more focused towards relationships, whether it is with your spouse, children, friends, siblings and even your business or work associates. On 22nd of March, your ruling planet, Saturn, will move in company of Mars. Saturn and Mars are not friends, as per Vedic astrology, it is possible that someone may be acting against you behind your back, maybe at work or in personal relations. Aquarius, there is no need to worry, because it is only these times that show you who all your friends and well-wishers. Stay positive, as negativity can bring health issues. The month of March and April, has some good days in connection to money. If, someone owes you money, you want to invest money, buy jewelry or make savings; these months (March and April) are good for you. You may also travel, eat tasty food and enjoy being with your family members. You will be more spiritual and will feel divine blessings over your head even in most difficult times. Instead of being critical of yourself, it will help you to divert your attention to something that helps and not on negative thoughts.

As per Vedic astrology, planet Jupiter rules over your sign. Pisces, it is possible there are thoughts, plans or ideas you are keeping close to your heart, not letting the whole world know. From 1st through 12th, anything that you yourself were probably unaware of, could be a work project, underlying health issue, or issues related with your work colleagues, will now come to the surface. Your true feelings, not necessarily negative, will be strong in this period. If you have been applying for a new job, you may get an offer, a colleague at work may leave, you may change your work place, and you may have a strong desire to quit your job or start a new business project. It is not all about work only; you may start a new diet or fitness regime too. Pisces, the most important news of the month, on 14th of March, Sun (the soul of the zodiac) will enter your sign but you will begin to see the results from 25th of March through 14th of April. This period (from 25th of March through 14th of April) slowly and steadily the direction of your life will change. Life changes so slowly and imperceptibly that you don't notice it, but sometimes you get a booster. Pisces, you are about to enter this ‘booster’ phase where new events, new incidences, new people and new thinking will all hold your hand and carry you forward in life. All the best!
