March Monthly Forecast: SAGITTARIUS, CAPRICORN

Planet Jupiter rules over your sign. As the month opens, you will be in highly meditative and deep mood. The amount of knowledge and wisdom you have acquired over the years will help you. From 1st through 14th, Jupiter, your ruling planet, placement in your own sign, will make you more spiritual or religious. If, you want to upgrade your skills or want to go for higher education, this is the time for it. In olden days, it was said travel to new faraway places is also a way of acquiring knowledge, so travel is also a possibility. From 22nd of March through 25th of May, you may spend more money than you intended to, some of you may even lend money to a close relative or a friend and this may actually become the reason of disagreement and discord too. Selling or buying a new home, investment in real estate or re-doing your home will also be in your mind in 3 months from 25th of March. Home, family and personal matters will be dear to you in this 3 months period. Having disagreements with family members is best avoided. Finally, remember that things change and it may be the time to move on.

Planet Saturn rules over your sign. Capricorn, you are holding your thoughts, feelings and emotions within you for a very long time and now you may find this very difficult or overbearing. From 1sth through 14th is emotionally heavy period for you. You will be more aware of your health, both physical and mental well-being. It is said, money is important and I can see, you struggling with loans, debts, EMI’s, credits and expenditures. Being spiritual or religious will help you immensely. Saturn, your ruling planet, is placed in your own sign, and on 22nd of March, planet Mars will also enter your sign. Astrologically, Saturn and Mars, placement in one’s own sign is a difficult placement. You resist the call for change and hence suffer. Capricorn, do not feel sad reading this, as I foresee, in 3 months from 24th of March, is a good period for travel. Travel brings new people, opportunities and experience that will help lighten your mood. If, you are unemployed and looking for new work opportunities, this is also the time to upgrade your skills and also to apply for work opportunities. Engaging an agent to help you find work or publicizing your work will bring great benefits. Be patient and sensitive towards others and this change in attitude will bring its rewards.
