January 2020 Monthly Forecast: SAGITTARIUS, CAPRICORN

Planet Jupiter rules over your sign. Of all the signs of the zodiac, yours is probably the most happening sign. First—Jupiter, your own ruling planet, is traveling through your own sign, second—in month of December 2019 there was a powerful solar eclipse in your sign and third—now in the month of January 2020, Saturn will finally bid goodbye to you after staying for about 2 ½ years. Recall how were the years 2017 through 2019 for you? This was how Saturn prepared you, made you go through different phases of life, you are now mature and maybe capable of handling life better. Lessons of Saturn, you are done with and now you are ready to enter the new phase of life, from the year 2020. On 1st day of the year 2020, Moon is in happy angle to your sign, so you were in sync with your inner creative side, to your loving nature and in less worry mode in relationships. Interestingly, the day Saturn shifts to its own sign will also be the day of New Moon or amavasya. This New Moon will form a powerful Vedic yoga—‘Durudhara yoga’, meaning you will work hard to bring positive changes in your life. There is also ‘Makar sakranti’, the significant Hindu day, on 14th of January 2020. In first 3 months of the year, you will be thinking of money, family, food (yes food, may be you plan to follow some diet, cut back on sugary drinks!). Being spiritual or religious will help you grow as a person and attract positive energy.

Planet Saturn rules over your sign and in the month of January 2020, your ruling planet will enter your own sign. This is a powerful placement. The year 2020 can be thought of as the foundation year of your life in many ways, at first, there may be some frustration with your life to date, and how limited your opportunities were in past 2 ½ years, some of you may also hold a feeling of being alone and unsupported in life. Interestingly, the day Saturn shifts to its own sign will also be the day of New Moon or amavasya. This New Moon will form a powerful beautiful Vedic yoga—‘Durudhara yoga’, where Jupiter and Venus will support you and bless you. Doing astro-remedies for Saturn and/or being spiritual will bring many positive developments in your life. The next 2 ½ years of your life, starting from the month of January 2020, will be changing years of your life. You may start something new, diversify your work, your relationship with your spouse (if you are married) or marriage (if you are single) are all on cards for you. Repayment of old loans, debts and take steps to get the money some people owe you, in short taking charge of your finances will be on your cards in coming months. Astrologically, it is a belief, when Saturn travels through your own sign, there are changes even in your personality, and your approach towards life will be more mature. You must also look after your health specifically your bones, teeth and legs. Eat nutritious food and consult your physician, if there is need for. Once again doing astro-remedies for Saturn will be helpful.
