Planet Mercury rules over
your sign. In month of December there will be a powerful solar eclipse. Astrologically,
all eclipses are believed to bring an element of surprise with them. This year
on 26th of December, the solar eclipse will have Jupiter (the planet
of divine blessings) and Saturn (the planet of stability and maturity) will
fall close to the eclipse. The period of 6 months starting from 26th
of December 2019 through May 2020, will be the most important phase of your
life. If, you are unmarried, there is a possibility of you finding your life
partner and if you are married, something very important is indicated in your
spouse life. Your relationship with your spouse will also improve. Your ruling
planet, Mercury, will be traveling in company of Mars, the planet of action.
The first 10 days of this month will be very busy for you. The difficulties of
everyday life may sometime appear surmounting but be assured, Gemini, Mars,
will give insights, ideas and provide you opportunities to overcome all problems.
From 10th through 17th, the manipulative ideas and
secrets of your opponents will be revealed to you. Stay focused on your
physical and mental wellness; do not let any incident or thought take away
peace of your mind. Knowledge of what is likely to occur is power and gives you
control over your life. From 26th of December 2019 through
mid-January 2020, your ruling planet will be looking at your own sign and this is
a very powerful placement. All the things or works that you have been trying
for a very long time can now be accomplished. Destiny will support you so please
do not let this favorable period slip your fingers!!
Moon rules over your sign.
Lately, you have probably been thinking a lot and all your emotions been locked
in your heart. This month universe understands you and for this reason probably
wants to help you. The planetary tide changed from 27th of November
and will continue all through this month. No matter how heavy is your heart or
stressed you are, planets will give you a chance to unwind. You will get a
chance to spend amazing time with your family and friends. Having fun in your personal life and also
feeling good about work will be the goal this month. Some of you may have
thoughts about planning a baby (for which planets will help you) and if you
already have children, this is an important period for them too. You may be
concerned about one of your child; it could be their examinations, studies or
marriage. From 7th through 14th, Moon, your ruler will be
in a happy place in your solar chart, occurrence of some event, improvement in
your love life and also personal relations may bring smile on your lips. For
monetary gains also this period is good for you. Now the most astrological news
of the month—on 26th of December there will be a powerful solar
eclipse. Astrologically, all eclipses are believed to bring an element of
surprise with them. This year on 26th of December, the solar eclipse will have
Jupiter (the planet of divine blessings) and Saturn (the planet of stability
and maturity) will fall under the shadow of the eclipse. The period of 6 months
starting from 26th of December 2019 through May 2020, will be the most
important phase of your life. The focus will be on your health and wellness,
and also you will bring changes in your everyday life. You may engage new
people at work or home, and you will have many new clients and work projects. The
last week of the year will be very busy for you, you may have many work
projects (if you are working and not on holiday!), money gains. If, you are on
a holiday near year end, you may spend time and money on physical and mental
wellness in a beautiful place (what an amazing way to end a year!!!).
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