December Monthly Forecast: AQUARIUS, PISCES

As per Vedic astrology, planet Saturn rules over your sign. From 1st through 15th December, Saturn is traveling in company of its friend, Venus, and planet of good luck, Jupiter, is giving its blessings. This is a beautiful month for career growth, money gains and also to spend time with your loved ones. If, you are not happy with your work or you want to make changes in your work, the 3 months period starting from 1st of December is good for you. Apply for new job positions or diversify your work in next 3 months, astrologically it is a favorable period. Your name, reputation and social standing will also improve. From 7th through 17th, something positive is indicated regarding home or in your family. Now the most important celestial news of the year—on 26th of December 2019, there will be a powerful solar eclipse (also visible in India). Astrologically, all eclipses are believed to bring an element of surprise with them. This year on 26th of December, the solar eclipse will have Jupiter (the planet of divine blessings) and Saturn (the planet of stability and maturity) will fall close to the eclipse. The period of 6 months starting from 26th of December 2019 through July 2020, will be one of the most beautiful phase. Be careful what you wish for whatever you will desire and wish for is likely to be fulfilled. From 26th December, you will begin one of the most fun filled days of the year 2019. Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Mercury and Rahu-ketu will all meet in beautiful sector of your solar chart. In 5 months from 27th December, if you have some wish or desire, and you make efforts also in the same direction, you will see success. Monetarily also next 5 months are important for you. You can increase your income, if you make efforts, in the year 2020!!!  

As per Vedic astrology, planet Jupiter rules over your sign. Your ruling planet, Jupiter, has shifted to the career sector of your solar chart. For past 2 ½ years Saturn was traveling through career sector, it is a possible, you made your best efforts, worked hard but still results had not been proportional to your efforts or probably there was limited growth opportunities and because of stagnancy at work made you lose enthusiasm in your work field. The most important celestial news of the year:—on 26th of December 2019, there will be a powerful solar eclipse (also visible in India). Astrologically, all eclipses are believed to bring an element of surprise with them. This year on 26th of December, the solar eclipse will have Jupiter (the planet of divine blessings) and Saturn (the planet of stability and maturity) will fall close to the eclipse. The period of 6 months starting from 26th of December 2019 through July 2020, will put focus on your career, name, reputation and social status. If, you want to make changes in your career or diversify your work, the solar eclipse of the month will support you. The year 2020 will be one the best year for career growth, diversification and making changes. From last week of December 2019 and in first 14 days of January 2020, the period when people are mostly on holidays or leave, however if your work is seasonal and related to industry that peaks at this time of the year, you will be happy and surprised by work progress and money gains. Pisces, you can or may initiate some changes or bring some fresh approach and ideas in your work. Luck will support you. Titans of the astrological world—Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Rahu-ketu and Moon, will all cheer from the universe above. Do not lose this golden phase of your career life. Mars, the planet of luck for you, will also be in its own sign in this period. To sum it all, you are entering the most significant phase of your life and with right efforts in right direction; you will see amazing results in the year 2020. All the best!!!
