November 2019 Monthly Forecast: AQUARIUS, PISCES

As per Vedic astrology, planet Saturn rules over your sign. The month of November is of great astrological significance, for Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will enter the money sector of your solar chart. Saturn and Jupiter placement in money sector of solar chart gives rise to a powerful Vedic yoga. In one year from 5th November 2019, you can make efforts to increase your income. Whatever efforts you will do for financial growth will have the potential of financial stability too. In coming one year you will make new friends, meet old friends and relatives too. For about 2 ½ years, Saturn was acting spoilsport, you were probably under financial stress and there may have been more duties and responsibilities in life and less of fun element. Aquarius, good news for you, all this is about to change. The coming one year will be more of fun, enjoyment and social interactions. You will meet and many new friends. November is also the month for travel, both for work and leisure.

As per Vedic astrology, planet Jupiter rules over your sign. Pisces, for past 2 ½ years from January 2017, Saturn is placed in career, your name and status sector of your solar chart. Saturn is a tough taskmaster, its job is to train you and make you work hard but when it leaves the sign, it brings with it many benefits and opens the potential of future growth. However, it is never easy going through Saturn phases in life. Saturn will move to the next sign on 24th January 2020 but this month on 5th of November 2019, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, will move to career sector of your solar chart. The placement of Jupiter in career sector will bring phenomenal growth and expansion opportunities for you in coming ONE year. From November 2019 through January 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will walk together for you. Whatever efforts you do for work will be of great significance in shaping your career. Pisces do not let this astrologically significant phase slip through your hand. Do your best and let the hand of destiny chart your path. For investments or making extra bonus money, the period from 28th October through 10th of December is lucky for you. If, someone owes you money or you have to make credit repayment, this the period for you to make your move.
