As per Vedic astrology,
planet Mars, rules over your sign. Jupiter traveling through your sign is
presently packing its bags to move to the next sign. Try and recall how has
been the past one year (starting from August 2018). This is the last month for
Jupiter will leave your sign on 5th of November 2019. This past one
year brought some definite changes in your personality. From November 2019 onwards
your focus will shift and you will be thinking more about money. This month
from 1st through 26th, will be a fun and party time, you
will get a chance to meet your friends and family whom you may have not seen
for a very long time. This period is also good for generating new source of
income. If, you are due for increment or salary appraisal, this period is good.
Scorpio, there is a small flaw in otherwise wonderful planetary position, this
month Saturn will be in fight mode with Sun and Mars. You may have disagreement
with someone in high position or position of authority at work. Within your
company or organization there will be office politics, tensions and also
competition. Tempers may rise, but I would advise you not to resign or leave
work. I always say the advantage of reading forecast in advance is to look
ahead, make plans, and be cautious for things that can go wrong. Mark
dates—7th and 27th of October (plus minus 3 days) on your calendar. Stay away
from discussions on sensitive issues on these dates and do not schedule
important meetings on these dates or sign any important document on these dates.
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