October 2019 Monthly Forecast: SAGITTARIUS, CAPRICORN

Planet Jupiter rules over your sign. Sagittarius, the planet of duties and responsibilities, Saturn, is traveling through your sign for about 2 years now (Saturn transit from 26th October 2017) and since then you have become more mature and handled every aspect of your life with responsibilities. Good news is that from 24th January 2020, Saturn will move away from your sign after finally delivering its lessons and messages. Sagittarius, this is not all, universe understands how you feel and it has some beautiful celestial news for you, from November 2019 onwards, your own ruling planet, Jupiter, will enter your own sign. This is a powerful placement and will bring amazing benefits in coming times. Saturn and Jupiter, two large planets will travel through your sign from month of November. You will begin to see the effects of changing celestial phenomena from the month of October. There will be improvements in work and your social status will rise. Only thing you need to do is to avoid disagreements and open clashes with people who matter to you. Mark dates—7th and 27th of October (plus minus 3 days) on your calendar. Stay away from discussions on sensitive issues on these dates and do not schedule important meetings on these dates or sign any important document on these dates.  

Planet Saturn rules over your sign. Your ruling planet, Saturn, is about to enter your own sign from the month of January 2020. The last quarter of the year 2019, starting from September 2019 onwards, the wind of change will blow in your favor. You are probably in the process of taking important and crucial decisions of your life. This month from 1st through 25th of October, is a lucky period for you, schedule important meetings, fill university forms (if you are looking for higher education) and this period is also good for completing paper work connected with immigration, passport or visa. Mark dates—7th and 27th of October (plus minus 3 days) on your calendar, on these dates Saturn, your ruling planet, will be in confrontational mood with Sun and Mars, the two planets of fiery energy. If you want to slip away for an adventurous and fun filled trip, this is the month but be careful, as I have written above, two fiery planets are in collision with your ruling planet. Adventure does not mean taking unnecessary risks, so be cautious especially in handling of your important documents and papers.
