As per Vedic astrology,
planet Saturn rules over your sign. October is the month when money will be
strongly on your mind. You need to be careful with how and how much money you
spend. October is a month of festivals and marketing strategy of big companies
is to announce big sale during this period, however be cautious, this month you
are likely to overspend. You may use complete limit of your credit cards and it
will be only later when you may realize. No matter how lucrative the sale or
discount offers, keep an eye on your budget. This month Mars, the planet of
action, is transiting through the money sector of your solar chart and Saturn
will be in tough mathematical angle to this planetary tide. If, you are due for
any appraisal or increment, keep your hopes not too high. For business people
and those who are self-employed, in 5 months from 1st October is the
period of investment or promoting their work. From 9th through 17th
is good period, you can expect some gains, repayments or make savings in this
period. I have saved good news for the last for you, if you are expecting some
payments from clients or otherwise, house to go on rent or gifts, October is
the month for you.
As per Vedic astrology,
planet Jupiter rules over your sign. Jupiter, your ruling planet, is about to
change sign next month. This is the month when it is packing and getting ready
to shift. You may get some interesting business offer or may sign an important
contract. If, you are self-employed, in 2 months from 1st of
October, it is time to hire an agent or an expert. You can publicize your work,
sign important papers or form a business alliance. Mars and Sun, two fiery
planets are looking at your sign, you may feel restless and full of energy. You
may take hasty and sudden decisions, which you may regret later, so ‘stop,
think and act’, should be the mantra to follow. Saturn, placed in career sector
of your solar chart, will be in touch mathematical angle, creating problems and
confrontations for every person of every sign. It is not an easy energy, so be
cautious, do not resign or take any new assignment, in haste lest you may
regret later. If, you are single and ready to settle, this is the time to look
for your partner. The period, from 1st October 2019 through 9th
April 2020, is favorable for marriage. For those who are already married, a
word of caution, avoid discussions on sensitive issues, there is a possibility
of clash. You and your spouse may have different opinion about same things, so
wait for better times and till then let things be as they are. This is the
advantage of reading forecasts in advance, we can avoid things that are not
good and move forward for things that are in favor…
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