November 2019 Monthly Forecast: ARIES, TAURUS

Planet Mars rules over your sign. The month of November is of great astrological significance, for Jupiter, the planet of abundance, will enter your luck and prosperity sector of solar chart. Saturn and Jupiter placement in luck sector of solar chart gives rise to a powerful Vedic yoga. From 5th November 2019 through 24th January 2020, all efforts you do for work and money will give you amazing results. From last week of October, you entered a phase where you may need support of your partner (business partner or life partner), you may need an agent or publicist for work promotion. November and the month of December is good period for legal settlement and if you have long standing court case, this is the period to go for third party or out of court settlement. If, you are single and looking for a partner, the 3 months period starting from 1st November 2019 is most auspicious. If, you are already married, this period will be special for your spouse. Please mark following dates on your calendar—8th through 16th of November, something for which you have been trying for a very long period will begin to show results. Things will not happen, the way you imagined but in totally exciting and surprising ways destiny will hold your hand!!!

Planet Venus rules over your sign. On 5th of November, Jupiter, the planet of growth, will move to different sector of your solar chart. Jupiter stays in one sign for about a year. For one complete year your focus will be on money matters. In this period, you may invest money in your business, real estate and may also need to review your legal and tax related matters. This one year period will also be good for putting your property on rent. In days, from 8th through 17th of November, some things that are hidden, unknown or secrets, will be revealed to you in most sudden and unexpected manner. From 10th of November, your everyday life will get busier than ever. The hours in a day may seem few to complete the to-do list. Taurus, I would like you to take special care of your health. Work and home duties should not be the reason for you to neglect your health. There may be tensions and stress caused by people around you. Those who are jealous of your growth or feel insecure by your positive personality traits may create stressful situations. The idea of reading astrological forecasts in advance is to plan ahead and take control of your surroundings and situations.  If you have a colleague who gives you headache, put physical distance between the two of you. Stay far away from such people. This month, you have a lot of responsibilities and demands on your time, so learn to say no.
