September 2019 Monthly Forecast: LIBRA, SCORPIO

Planet Venus rules over your sign. Librans, from the month of August 2019 through February 2020, professionally you have entered an important phase. You will be taking important career decisions in this period. Interestingly, from month of September, focus will still remain on professional growth, and add to that, you will try to find ways to increase your income or find new source of income. You have Sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus, your ruling planet, to help you in your endeavors. Sudden events, meetings, totally unexpected turn of events may take you by surprise. Whatever happens in next 5 months will be beyond your planning or expectation. Saturn, the planet of stability, will also give its blessings. At work, there may be few restructuring or changes within your organization. Someone senior at work will help you. Please mark date-2nd, 14th (plus minus 3days) on your calendar, these are tough planetary dates for all. You may feel restless for you have worked hard and this wait may trouble you but being overanxious or being in panic mode may only bring problems. Doing meditation, yoga, or being involved in religious or spiritual activities may help dissolve anxiety and stress.  

As per Vedic astrology, planet Mars, rules over your sign. Your ruling planet, Mars, will hold meeting with Sun, Mercury and Venus, on your behalf to bring improvements in your life. The main focus will be career advancement. From 31st August through 9th March 2020, you can diversify your work, apply for new job positions, and collaborate with new clients or companies. Yes, Scorpio, mental dilemma or confusion will also be strong but the planets in month of September and also October have planned few surprises for you. You may have a chance meeting with an important person or someone important like your boss or some prestigious organization can lend you support. If, you are due for promotion, it is time you ask your boss. Showcase your work, hire people to promote you. Doing nothing, nothing happens. My astrological advice for you, when planets are supportive like they are this month, if you take a chance and put in just a little work, you’ll get so far ahead of everyone else. Not only your work, but your name and reputation will also be important for you. Only dates to avoid are--2nd and 14th, these are tough planetary dates for all.
