September 2019 Monthly Forecast: ARIES, TAURUS

Planet Mars rules over your sign. As per Vedic astrology, your ruling planet, Mars, is traveling through royal sign of Leo, from 1st through 25th. The month of September is filled with happiness for you. Your ruler, Mars, will hold hands with planet of love and romance, Venus. You are single or in a relationship, September is the month to be socially active. In month of September, not one but five planets are dancing with energy to bring fun and happiness in your life. If, you are planning to have a baby, the months from September through March, are probably the best months for you to plan and see your doctor. If, you already have children, this period, from September through March, will be important for them in some ways, like for instance they are preparing for important exams, leave home for higher studies, etc. the beauty of this phase is that whatever happens is something you never planned or thought is possible, but planets in their beautiful energy dance shower you with celestial sparkles. Please mark date-2nd, 14th (plus minus 3 days) on your calendar, these are tough planetary dates for all. Doing meditation, prayers and other spiritual activities may help you. This month’s celestial message from you is to keep smiling and enjoy, as it is rare to have such beautiful planetary combination in good mathematical angle.

Planet Venus rules over your sign. Do you plan to buy a new house? Are you thinking of investing money in real estate? Are you planning to sell some property? If, your answer is --yes, then astrologically the planets will be supportive. Get help of an agent or get your property enlisted online and you would be surprised by the response you get. The best period, for matters related to home and real estate—from 1st September 2019 through 9th March 2020. Not only is this period good for buying and selling of property but this period is also good for relocating to a new home or new place. Since, from this month onwards the focus is on your home and you are not interested in any of the buying or selling activities, it is possible you may redecorate or beautify your home. You will be surprised to read this, but in the month of September and also in the month of October, I foresee astrologically, many people in your home. So, either you have plumbers, electricians or carpenters doing the renovation work or the other possibility is that you have some house guests.  14th of September (plus minus 4 days) is difficult days for all, so avoid scheduling important work near this date.
