August 2019 Monthly Forecast: LEO, VIRGO

Sun rules over your sign. Leo’s, this is the month when you will feel confused and unsure. You may be bubbling from inside with restless energy. There are probably some issues that you have been trying to bury within, however it may not be easy now to do so. For our external world to change there must first be a shift within us. It’s our karma or actions that drive the change. Leo’s, you have been lately thinking a lot about the direction in which your life is taking you. August is your birthday month, as per Vedic astrology, this is the beginning of a personal New Year for you. In month of August, you can make plans and from September ONWARDS you can put your plans into action. Jupiter, the divine planet of good luck and prosperity, will be beautifully angled to your ruler, Sun, near 7th of August. You can plan important meetings near this date. Jupiter is showering you with good luck on 7th (plus minus 2 days!). Jupiter is placed in your home and real estate sector of your solar chart. You can sign new contracts, sell/buy new property or make investments in your business. Strangely, I see you in angry and argumentative mood all through this month. Physical and mental well-being is most important in life, something that you have been overlooking for past few months. On 17th of August, Sun, your ruler, will enter your own sign and will sit in company of Mars, the planet of action. Thereafter, you will be in unstoppable mode, as Leo, the Lion, roars its mighty roar. In 2 months from 31st of August, you will be in your true form, so full of energy and making swift and important changes in your life. All the best Leo!!!   

Planet mercury rules over your sign.  Virgo’s, acquisition of wealth and managing relations be on your list this month. For those who are self-employed, this is the month, to do extra efforts to increase your income. Your ruling planet, Mercury, will be sitting in company of Sun, Mars and Venus. Jupiter, the planet of luck, will be in beautiful mathematical angle to bless you from a distance. All your efforts to increase your source of income will bear fruits in coming 6 months. Personal relations at work with your boss and seniors in the organization may come under rough weather. You need to exercise patience and, Virgo’s, the same goes for your personal relations too. Your relations with your lover, your in-laws, close friends  and probably with your children may also be strained. Strained relations hurt and may also stop you from doing the things you love. From 3rd August through 17th of August, and then again from 27th of August through 10th of September, your ruling planet, Mercury, will feel the heat of fiery Sun, small disagreements may flare up into full-blown arguments. Just like it hurts to walk normally on an injured foot, the same goes for people in inflamed relationship. Maybe you wonder where you went wrong, or if things can ever get back to being normal. These are testing and trying times, when you need to be emotionally strong.
