July 2019 monthly forecast: LEO, VIRGO

Sun rules over your sign and on 2nd of July, there will be a powerful Solar eclipse (not visible in India though). From 2nd of July 2019 through 10th January 2020, will be most important period for money matters. When I say ‘money matters’, I mean your source of income and whenever you have major eclipses, it implies, there is something very important waiting for you. Eclipses bring sudden unexpected events in our lives. This Solar eclipse is in dual sign, you may well be able to generate two sources of income. You may have new source of income other than your regular income. You will be concentrating mainly on accumulation of wealth, increasing your source of income or earnings. Planets, Saturn and Venus, will fall under the shadow of this eclipse, so professional and financial stability will be on your mind. Another important area affected by this eclipse will be your relations with your brother, sisters or close relatives. On 16th of July, there will be a powerful Lunar eclipse, this eclipse brings seriousness and feeling of responsibility in your life. You may worry more about your children and if you do not have children, you may plan a baby. Leo, the thing about the month of July is that you are missing fun and replacing enjoyment with responsibilities (perhaps you have made this observation as well). A life well lived is an integral, holistic life; fun and enjoyment should not be something reserved for later, but be part and parcel of the journey. Okay, the dates to watch out for—7th, 9th and 16th of July.

Planet mercury rules over your sign. July is the month of eclipses, first there will be a Solar Eclipse, on 2nd of July, (not visible in India) and second a Lunar Eclipse, on 16th of July (visible in India). Astrologically, eclipse is visible or not visible in your region but still is not relevant and holds importance. From 2nd of July 2019 through 10th January 2020, your career and how people view you in society may mean a lot. Whether you desire it or not, events will be such there will be changes at work. You may have disagreement with someone in authority at work, it could be your boss or there may be some legal issues. Astrologically, I would advise you not to leave or resign from work. Virgo’s, this does not necessarily mean bad, it could mean, you have some new work opportunity or work offer. It is 6 months period, so keep my predictions in your mind and plan accordingly. You may also worry about how others perceive or think of you, in other words, your social status and reputation may mean a lot in this period. The second eclipse of the month—the Lunar eclipse falling on 16th July, will highlight your personal life, your home life, your relationship with other members of the family and also matters related to landed property. Legal problems or disagreement related to property can turn ugly, so be careful. Life is about the choices one makes and living the consequences of those choices. Okay, the dates to watch out for—7th, 9th and 16th of July.
