As per Vedic astrology, planet Saturn
rules over your sign. There are 2 eclipses in the month of July. On 2nd
of July, there will be a powerful Solar eclipse (not visible in India) and on
16th of July, there will be a powerful Lunar eclipse (visible in
India). Your ruling planet, Saturn, will under the shadow of eclipse, so you
will feel the effects of these eclipses. You need to
let go of something from the past in order to move forward in life. You
may see the effect of the eclipse in the period starting from 2nd of
July 2019 through 10th January 2020. You may see effects in your
love relations, marriage and also married life. If, things are not smooth then
possibility of break-up or you may suddenly have someone new in your life.
Alternatively, something important is indicated in your children’s lives, for
instance, they may join new school/ college, find new work, may leave home for
studies or may get married (depending upon the age group of your children). If,
you do not have any children, you may decide or plan a baby. Regarding work and
money, if you had initiated something important in the month of
January/February is possible; you may begin to see results now. Eclipses have the potential to change your circumstances.
Now, Aquarius, the good news, July and also August are months, when you can
have fun, meet your friends, travel, invite or get invitations for social get-together.
Please encircle 2nd, 7th and 16th of
July on your calendar (plus minus 7 days), avoid these dates for important
As per Vedic astrology, planet
Jupiter rules over your sign. July is the month of eclipses. On 2nd
of July, there will be a powerful Solar eclipse (not visible in India) and on
16th of July, there will be a powerful Lunar eclipse (visible in
India). What is the significance of eclipses in our lives? Astrologically, eclipses
are way of nature or you may say universe’s push to make needed changes in our
lives. It depends which areas of life will be activated by eclipses in your
solar chart and/or your personal birth chart, the areas of life activated by
the eclipse may see dramatic turns. Note that whatever happens in eclipse time
is nothing truly new (so you don’t need to be afraid of eclipses!), they are
same issues brewing and building inside of us and eclipses bring them to fore. Although,
all eclipses are important but for you, your work and career, the second
eclipse of the month (16th July) will be more significant as this
eclipse will affect your home, family and most important your career. Whatever
efforts you have been doing in your work, for past one year, will begin to show
results in coming 3 months. Saturn, with its friend, Venus, will fall under the
shadow of this eclipse. If, your work is transferable, you may get posting in
different city plus may also get monetary benefits too. From 2nd of
July 2019 through 10th January 2020, will be important period for your
home, family and real estate matters. You probably will be interested in
buying/selling of home. If, you are not thinking about your apartment or house,
then maybe it is one of your parent you are concerned. Professionally, July
through October will be significant. However, due to Saturn, you will feel
stress and pressure at work. Pisces, everything happens for a reason, Saturn, is
helping to get you ready for a bigger and brighter future. You might not
realize it today, but there is a grand design. Please encircle 2nd,
7th and 16th of July on your calendar (plus minus 7
days), avoid these dates for important works.
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