March Monthly Forecast: AQUARIUS, PISCES

AQUARIUS: As per Vedic astrology, planet Saturn rules over your sign. Aquarius, you are in period of change in life. In 3 months from 7th of March, you may bring positive changes in your life. Your personality, your outlook and how you view relationships is changing, so it is no wonder you may even bring changes in your dress style or mannerism. Saturn, your ruling planet, is looking at your sign favorably, so whatever changes that you bring will stay in life for very long time. However, Saturn never gives any results with delays and struggles. Your responsibilities and duties are due to increase. For example, you may get married in the year, have children or your children may think of marriage, depending on age group you belong. You may start your own business, or may get promoted to a position of greater responsibilities and long working hours, or if you are a student, you may have to prepare for some tough but important examinations. Changes will be big for which you will have to step beyond your comfort zone, and certainly not easy. Saturn stays in one sign for 2-1/2 years. So the process of change will get initiated now and continue even in the year 2020 and at first you may feel scared or have fears about your ability to handle these changes. If, you don’t do it yourself your destiny will create situations for change. It is always a good idea to understand your destiny and make plans accordingly. Go with the flow of current of destiny. The big astrological news for you, this month is—rahu-ketu, the nodes of moon---will change their sign. Astrologically, this is an important transit.

PISCES: As per Vedic astrology, planet Jupiter rules over your sign. All through this month, mental dilemma and confusion will be strong. You have lots on your mind and heart but feel this is not the time to share your thoughts and ideas with rest of the world. One of the reason, probably, you are unsure and confused. Pisces, when you are this confused, it is best for you to let universe and destiny show you the path. Wait for your ‘time’. From 6th of February through 22nd of March, planet Mars, is trying to find new ways of making and saving ‘money’. Mars will help you in money management, bank savings and finding ways to increase your personal financial net-worth. Financial management should be your top priority. March will be a big month for you astrologically. Rahu-ketu, the nodes of Moon, will move to the most important area of your solar chart---your career, home, real estate, your parents and personal happiness. On 29th of March through 22nd of April, your ruling planet, Jupiter, will enter the career sector of your solar chart, where Saturn and ketu, are already placed. Wait and see, this period of about one month, how your ruler, Jupiter, negotiates with tough planets—Saturn and ketu. Ketu will try to spring sudden surprises but do not worry Saturn and Jupiter will help you in your work. April is an important month for you.
