October 2018 Monthly Forecast: SAGITTARIUS, CAPRICORN

SAGITTARIUS: Planet Jupiter rules over your sign. This month astrologically big news for you as your ruling planet, Jupiter, will move to the next sign on 11th of October. Every year, Jupiter, the planet of fortune and good luck, moves from one sign to the next. Jupiter remains in each sign for approximately twelve months, taking twelve years to transit the entire zodiac and since Jupiter rules over your sign this means a period of change is initiated for you. In coming one year, you may buy or sell a property or make an expensive investment. In 5 months from 10th of October, professionally it is the most important period for you. You can get promotion, new job with better prospects, new business clients, diversify your work, name, fame, popularity or Sagittarius, I can say rise in status, and all this destiny offers, however, it depends on you how you actually make use of this beautiful career phase offered by universe. However, Sagittarius, there is one flaw in otherwise beautiful period—your physical health and mental well-being. When the right time comes, you may feel confused and because of this you may lose the opportunity that comes towards you. Meet, interact and do more of net-working, you never know how and from where good luck comes knocking on your door. Also, eat healthy food and adopt healthy lifestyle and take care of your physical health. In last 10 days of this month, from 20th through 31st of October, something related to the people you love and also your children, is indicated. You are probably ready to make changes in your everyday life and something related to the people you employ for work or at home. Since, planets indicate surprising and unplanned flow of events, I would astrologically advice you to be mentally prepared for the same and at the same time be careful with your money!!

CAPRICORN: Saturn rules over your sign. The month of October is full of celestial news, the first and most important celestial news—Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will shift to the next sign on 11th of October and secondly, Venus, the planet of money, love, marriage, relations and also comforts in life, will become retrograde in its motion (although planets always move in the same direction around the Sun, but sometimes, as seen from the Earth, they appear to move in the backward direction and this is known as retrograde motion of a planet). As per Vedic astrology, the planet in its retrograde motion is weak. Thirdly—planet Mars and Ketu (the south node of Moon) are traveling through your sign for many months now. Mars will leave your sign after an unusual long stay on 6th of November. Personally, you have gone through a period of change in past months and from now onwards you will work to increase your source of income and improving your relations and in general, be happy or try to be happy. Of course, all this will not be easy for you. In 4 months from 10th of October, everything related with visa, immigration, travel or getting connected with people living overseas will all come into focus. You may also think of changing your work or bring changes in your existing work. With money and physical comfort being the primary reason for the same, however, astrologically I would advise you to wait till end of November before making any major changes in your life. Nothing will comes easy for you(by now you know this fact, you are Capricorn, Saturn ruled person!!!). Watch out for what happens in last 10 day of this month, from 20th through 31st of October.
