September 2018 Monthly Forecast: AQUARIUS, PISCES

As per Vedic astrology, planet Saturn rules over your sign. Your ruling planet, Saturn, is placed well in professional growth and reputation sector of your solar chart. The whole focus for you in past many months may have been to move forward at work and also how society (in general) perceives or thinks about you may have been very important for you. Saturn moving in backward direction may have not shown you many results, no matter how hard you worked.  However, all this will change as Saturn will go direct in its motion on 6th of September. Before any planet goes direct it stops, watch what happens in the period 3rd through 10th. On 13th of September, Saturn will be in beautiful angle to its friend, Venus, the planet for money and love, the days surrounding this date will be beautiful for love, relations and money for you. If, you are single and looking for a partner, the 5 months period starting from 13th of September are beautiful for you. If, you want to start any new work project in collaboration or joint partnership, this 5 month period will be especially lucky for you, any new venture started during this period will bring prosperity for you in future. For family, travel (esp. long distance travels) and money, the last days of the month, 20th through 30th, are good for you.

As per Vedic astrology, planet Jupiter rules over your sign and this same planet also have been given your career portfolio and from this month onwards, Jupiter, will help you move forward at work, work projects, new clients and also bring in more money. On 1st of this month, Venus, the planet of love and money, will join hands with your planet. From 3rd through 10th, Saturn placed in your career sector will be stationary; astrologically this is very important phase for you. Any work that you begin or may be any work that comes to you naturally, has a great potential for growth. Financial matters such as commissions, increments, rentals, loans, EMI’s, credits, etc are favored by this beautiful combination. In 3 months from 10th, getting new work projects, business clients or probably changing work is also indicated. This period is also good for your health and fitness. If, you begin a new exercise regime or follow a new diet plan, probability is you will maintain the routine and also see results. For those who are suffering from any long-standing illness also will feel and see improvement in their health. In last 10 days of this month, 20th through 30th of September, you may feel emotional and sensitive for some reasons (in a positive way). Being emotional is not necessarily a bad thing; on the contrary it helps you update your looks, your thoughts and feelings.
