September 2018 Monthly Forecast: LIBRA, SCORPIO

Planet Venus rules over your sign. Jupiter, the planet of luck, is traveling through your sign for one year and to top the cake with cherry, on 1st of this month, Venus, your ruling planet will enter your own sign of Libra; this makes September a lucky month for you. So, if you want to buy a new car, new house or make investment in any new project, the period from 1st through 23rd (thereafter pitra paksha starts) is probably the luckiest phase of the year 2018 for you. The 2 months period starting from 10th of September is probably the luckiest phase for all matters, as per Vedic astrology, it is said one should be careful what one wishes for, as it is possible your wish may come true. If, you want to increase your source of income, this 2 months period starting from 10th of September, is lucky for you. However, keep a strict check on your expenditures and outflow of cash, as Jupiter and Venus, in one’s own sign makes you lucky but also extravagant too. If, you have been following a strict diet and exercise regime, the period from 20th through 30th of September, when you will begin to see results, this stands true for even those who are suffering from long-standing illness. In last 10 days of this month, what work you do, whom you serve (if you are in employment), who serves you (servants, helping hands at home and your employees or colleagues at work) and relationship with those who rely upon you for their livelihood, is in focus and you may take some actions in this area.

As per Vedic astrology, planet Mars, rules over your sign. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune is packing its bags and ready to move into your sign. You may begin to see its results from the month of September. In next 5 months starting from 10th of September, are professionally good for you. You can work to raise your status, ask for promotion, diversify your business or bring in new ideas. It is probably the most favorable phase for career growth. This phase will also be super-duper busy for you. Scorpio’s, for you added work duties plus many daily errands may drain your energies, I also foresee, you may get into unnecessary arguments or discussions with other. From 3rd through 10th of September, Saturn, will stop in its motion affecting your personal net-worth and finances. This may also be the period when you may feel sad and not feel like talking to someone close to you. Scorpio, you can see how conflicting this month is for you, on one hand you are in process of putting in new ideas for career growth and on other hand, family and money duties strain your energies. Probably, this is the reason universe plans a fun-filled and relaxed period for you, from 20th through 30th of September.  
