August Monthly Forecast: LEO, VIRGO

Sun rules over your sign. From 1st through 17th, there may be confusion or mental dilemma as Sun, your ruler, and travels through the most secret part of your solar chart. On 11th of August, there will be a powerful solar eclipse in the same area of the solar chart. Generally, solar eclipses have the power to affect you even many months after its occurrence. You may be working very hard but somehow money may continue to slip through your hand. As Mars opposes this eclipse, everyday work environment may also be full of tension and anxiety. You want to cut down the outflow of money but Leo’s it will not be easy. You may feel physically and emotionally quite draining to maintain close family connections or emotional entanglements. In my experience, I have seen people under this planetary tide have disturbed sleep and probably vivid dreams. You may perhaps drink more alcohol to escape the burdens of life. Leo’s, it is the inherent nature of life, to bring introspection, self-analysis period and may be difficulties before you jump into the next phase of life. Being spiritual, religious or getting involved in charitable and philanthropic activities is better way to handle this transit. Life is changing for you in a big way and you have to get this understanding through your sub-conscious mind and see all this with enlightened understanding. On 25th of August ( effects can be seen from 20th through 31st of August),  Sun will be beautifully aligned to Saturn. If, your work is in any way connected with government or semi-government agencies, this is perhaps the luckiest period of the year. Growth, promotion and government related tenders or orders during this period are possible. Marriage and marital relations will also be important for you in this period.

Planet mercury rules over your sign.  Virgo’s, this is the time when destiny gives your hopes and desires a chance to succeed. On 11th of August, there will be a powerful solar eclipse, retrograde and negative Mars will fall under the shadow of this eclipse. You will be focused on increasing your wealth and improving your relations. In 3 weeks from 11th of August, you may hear some news. They say, under this planetary transit, be careful what you wish for as it is possible it may actually come true. Planetary tide also show that you may unnecessarily (or maybe there is a reason!) worry about your children. August is not all about worries or tensions, it is also the time when you will socialize more, meet and interact with your family relations and friends. Venus, the planet of love, romance and also money, will be traveling through your sign, from 1st August through 1st of September. If, you try you can increase your wealth or source of income but remember, this is an eclipse month so nothing comes easy for you. Monetarily, transit of Jupiter, the divine planet of good luck, also favors you for all money matters. On 17th of August, Sun moves to the most secretive and lonely place of your solar chart. From 17th through 31st of August, you may experience restlessness for some reason and this may even affect your physical and mental well-being. Usually doing exercises, walks, yoga or generally being busy will help give outlet to negative side of this transit.
