Planet Venus rules over your sign. Libra,
you have entered the season of eclipses. There are 2 eclipses in the month of
July and 1 eclipse in the month of August. These eclipses will initiate a
period of change in coming 6 months from 13th of July. The year that follows
certainly will be more eventful. You may experience a big change in one
specific part of your life. You feel ready to try out something
totally new. Your values, religious beliefs (if the person believes in
religion), spiritual inclinations, good karma and ethical values can change
your destiny!!! These eclipses are
kind of universe restructuring and YOU hold the power through your thoughts,
beliefs and actions change the course of your life. There is also a possibility
of one’s travel to some exciting new place or maybe seek knowledge. In 3 months
from 13th of July, the Solar Eclipse day, if you travel, it may be
more than one place. Some of you may consider, applying to foreign university
for higher education or probably travel for work. Something philosophical or
spiritual that you read or learn will help you in coming times. Jupiter, the
planet of divine blessings, and Saturn, the planet of stability and discipline,
in life will be active during Solar Eclipse of 13th July. So,
whatever you do in coming 6 months will stay with you for long period. The
second eclipse of this month, Lunar Eclipse of 27th July, Mars will
fall under the shadow of this eclipse. Mars will be retrograde and exalted this
makes it extremely powerful. Strange, as it may seem, I see you surrounded by
many people or you moving in a very busy place. Please encircle 18th
of July on your calendar (plus minus 7 days), avoid taking any risky decisions
around this date. 18th July is not a favorable date for everyone. On
27th of July, is a full moon, a Lunar Eclipse, these eclipses affect
us emotionally and personally. Research studies show correlation between our
mind (or emotions) and Lunar eclipse (you may go online to read more about
these research studies!). Try not to argue about things in the heat
of the moment (Mars is strong!) and also stay calm. The next eclipse of 11th
August will begin potentially very important phase of your career but we will
talk more about this next month.
As per Vedic astrology, planet Mars,
rules over your sign. July and August are the months of eclipses. In 6 months
from the first eclipse, the Solar Eclipse of 13th July, everything
from sudden gains, losses,
loans, debts, expenditures, joint business resources or inheritance, insurance, taxes, rentals etc will come under
the shadow of this eclipse. You will be initiating a very important financial
phase of your life and I always say eclipses are unpredictable so please do not
take any unnecessary financial risks. If, you are already burdened with loans,
debts, EMI’s, etc it is time to rethink about financial improvements. Business
investments or investment in real estate is another possibility. Losses or
gains either way these eclipses can take you so be cautious in your financial
handlings. The second eclipse of this month is a Lunar Eclipse falling on 27th
of July. Mars will be negatively influencing this eclipse. Planet Mars, rules
over your sign and it will be retrograde and exalted this month and being under
the shadow of this eclipse (27th July), can influence you, your
emotions and thoughts majorly. If, first eclipse (solar eclipse) was all about
money this eclipse will be all about your relations (with your brothers,
sisters, cousins, friends and also neighbors). Do not say or do things in flow
of emotions that you may regret later. Please encircle 18th of July
on your calendar (plus minus 7 days), avoid taking any risky decisions around
this date. 18th July is not a favorable date for everyone.
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