July 2018 monthly forecast: LEO, VIRGO

Sun rules over your sign. Leo’s, July will be an important month for you. On 13th July 2018, there will be a powerful Solar Eclipse. Solar Eclipse affects you the most as the Sun rules over your sign. In 6 months from 13th of July, the emphasis will be primarily on money matters. You could be exploring other sources of income, how you can increase your wealth, not necessarily through your regular profession. Whenever you have major planetary tide and eclipses, it implies, there is something very important waiting for you. The eclipse was traditionally been viewed as being the portents of evil. It seems as though something dreadful is about to happen. In modern astrology, eclipses are viewed as the period of change. Eclipses bring dramatic situations, so even negative situations may in fact be blessings in disguise for you. You may have new source of income other than your regular income. You will be concentrating mainly on accumulation of wealth, increasing your source of income or earnings. Eclipses are dramatic in nature, like for instance bringing forward a crisis kind of situation, but these events are potent in nature for they change the direction of your life. Not only money, this eclipse may affect your relation with your brothers/sisters, friends or cousins. You may also do more networking for work. Although, Saturn will be observing this eclipse from a distance but I am very positive about this Solar Eclipse for you, as Jupiter, the great planet of divine blessings will hold its hand over you. Now let’s talk about the next eclipse- Lunar Eclipse- falling on 27th of July. This eclipse will be tough for every Sun sign, as retrograde Mars will fall under this eclipse. Leo’s, you may find days close to 27th of July (plus minus 10 days) unusually active and busy. The effects of Lunar Eclipse stays with you for next 6 months but first 3 months are especially important. Events will be such that you will have to bring changes in your day-to-day work routine. On 27th of July (plus minus 2 days), as I foresee, the days may be very hectic and keep you unusually busy. If, you are a deep thinker, religious or spiritual person, you may find days close to 27th very enlightening. If, you have been following some food diet, exercise, or fitness routine, this will be the time to see results.

Planet mercury rules over your sign. July is the month of eclipses, first there will be a Solar Eclipse (falling on 13th of July) and second a Lunar Eclipse (falling on 27th of July). Even if the eclipse is not visible or visible in your region but astrologically it holds importance. Let’s talk about the first eclipse, Solar Eclipse, in 6 months from 13th of July, your work, your name, your reputation and how people view you in society may mean a lot. Professionally, 6 months starting from 13th July are very important. You are entering a very competitive career phase. Astrologically, I would advise you not to leave or resign from work during this eclipse phase, even if the situation is difficult—wait. If, you are a freelancer or self-employed, you may get not just one but maybe two offers and each offer may have few clauses that may not go easy with you. Eclipses usually bring crisis kind of situation in life. The eclipse has traditionally been viewed as being the portents of evil. It seems as though something dreadful is about to happen. In modern astrology, eclipses are viewed as the period of change, though deep down inside we know that change is necessary for growth, but we fear changes. Near 27th of July, Lunar Eclipse Day (this eclipse will be visible in India), you may experience unnecessary tensions and anxieties regarding one of your children. If you are unmarried and in a love relationship, it is possible for you to have difference of opinion with your love mate and there may be tensions too. Mars will be retrograde in its exaltation sign and will influence this Lunar Eclipse. These periods may bring some emotional or other crisis to the forefront. But then we read astrological forecast to avoid such critical phases of life. Remember astrology is not deterministic, it gives you choices and has certain path also determined for you when you take such choices!!
