January 2018 Monthly Forecast: GEMINI, CANCER

Gemini: Planet mercury rules over your sign. From, 28th of December 2017 through 8th of January 2018, is probably an emotional time for you. Things and events are occurring at fast pace around you. You are probably looking for big change and if you have been trying and making efforts, past few months in the same direction, you may finally get to see the results or may get news related to the same. The main focus in your life would be on ‘money’ near 2nd and then again from 17th. Mercury, your ruling planet, will be transiting close to Saturn, from 6th through 28th of January 2018, you will be in a deep thoughts, all the things that started happening around you, from late December, will make you pensive and thoughtful. No matter what occurs, it will be destiny’s strong hand to change the direction of your life. Money matters such as tax, inheritance, rental, commission or loan, will be greatly emphasized.

Cancer: In the year 2018, Saturn will make you work very hard or you may take your personal duties very serious. You are likely to feel a great level of pressure in your everyday life, at work, habits, and also concerns regarding health and fitness. Changes in your diet, daily routines and habits may bring significant improvements. From 27th of December 2017 through 9th of January 2018, some news, events or secrets, that is anything hidden or unknown to you, will be revealed to you. Possibility of duality around you may affect you personally and emotionally. However, benefic rays of Jupiter, the great divine planet, will be in beautiful angle and will protect you, no matter what happens or occurs during this period, it may bring lot of excitement. In your family or at work, if you have any opponents or people who are jealous of you for some reasons, you may find them very vocal and verbal in their views and may express themselves very explicitly. Venus and Ketu will play the role of mediator, so being politically correct may help you. The last week of January, near 30th, will be an emotional time for you. If, something that is dear and important for you, for which you have been trying and making efforts past few months, you may finally get to see the results.
