June 2017 Monthly Forecast: LIBRA, SCORPIO

Planet Venus rules over your sign. Six month from 1st June, there will be a huge emphasis on financial matters. There will be many options you will be checking to increase your finances, to name a few—Starting a side business of your own, pay off old debt, probably sell non-productive asset to pay off your loan/debt, liquidate your capital, once your debt is paid off you would think of investing ‘that’ money. Libra, stars in six months from now will help you formulate a plan with a long-term perspective. This effect, Librans, will not be limited only to the month of June but may hold true for coming six months. From 4th through 15th, all your past efforts can yield good financial returns especially, if you are sharing resources with some partner. The only negative aspect of present planetary tide includes discord; clash of ideas with someone important and in some cases may even bring legal hassles. There may also be a tendency to get into arguments and the urge to take risks too would be high with planet Mars traveling through airy sign as yours. Mark date, 15th (plus minus 3 days) on your calendar, and avoid any kind of confrontation near this date. By end of this month, you will be in expansion mode and Sun so beautifully placed universe and God will help you move forward. In month of September, planet Jupiter of good luck will shift to your sign, so all in all life is moving through amazing phase.

As per Vedic astrology, planet Mars, rules over your sign. This month, there will be a great emphasis on improving your relationship, it could be—with your business partner, spouse, office colleagues and even with those who are your competitors. Improving your existing relationships and turning your energy into positive will have a great overall effect on your life. For instance, in business, improved relationship with your partner may be helpful in getting some important project. Of course, you cannot undermine the effect your relationships and emotions have on your health and well-being.  If you are self-employed, it is also a good time to for your work also especially if your work is related with public in some way. From 4th through 16th, something of enormous importance may come to surface now and maybe not emotionally easy to deal with but remember, the benefit of reading astrological forecasts is not to stop us moving forward in life but on the contrary, it is to rise above the influences of the karmic cycles and take control over our own lives. Developing positivity is definitely an important key to accomplishing most anything in life. On 21st of June, Saturn will shift back to your sign and will remain in your sign for few more months but after this it will not return for next 30 years!!!


  1. I always wait for your forecasts to plan my month, timings mentioned by you almost always work for me. Thank you
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