April 2017 monthly forecast: GEMINI, CANCER

GEMINI: Planet Mercury rules over your sign. Your professional and personal life is at crucial planetary angle this month. Changes in your professional career are indicated in 3 months from now. Sudden surprising situations may arise from 6th of April in your life.  Don’t fear as these changes are critically important for your future growth in life.  You will be meeting new and unusual people in coming months. You may feel strange to read this, I foresee, you will align yourself with some sort of new group, or the one that crusades for some social, religious or political cause. Even if you do not join any group, you will not be content to simply believe something. Your priorities will evolve in times to come. Professionally, you will be making important career decisions in 3 months from now.  Exalted but retrograde Venus may have created some confusion. From 7th through 18th, it is good time to hold meetings, sign papers or apply for new job positions. It is possible that you may sign some new agreement or lease papers also during this period. April will be a very busy month for you. If possible, hold all closed door meetings on or before 12th. On 14th, Sun enters its powerful exalted position, this indicates someone higher in position may recommend or favor you. Astrologically it is advised, professionally whether you are self-employed or otherwise, do not waste this powerful month to further your career prospects.

CANCER: Moon rules over your sign. Something crucial and important is indicated for you this month.  Yogakaraka planet, Mars, is presently, from 1st March through 12th April, traveling through career sector of your solar chart. During this period, Mars, is doing the ground work for you and then in two months from 26th of April, it will be the best career period of the year 2017 for you. From 7th of this month, you are initiating a new cycle of 6 years cycle and your career direction begins to change. Business diversification, changing of job or even a career may seem a good idea. All this will not happen once or just this month but in coming months starting from now. Planets will make you more restless with a desire for change. From 14th April, a Baisakhi day, Sun will exalt in your career and reputation sector and by end of this month, 27th April through month of May, surprising communication, telephone call or email, or a business meeting will help you. How you project yourself in society and your reputation will be important for you. But remember, Cancerians, someone else’s perception of you is not so relevant but important thing is your perception of your life!!


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