I am Not Exceptional and It is Okay!

I am Not Exceptional and It is Okay
Everybody wants to have an amazing job, financial abundance and awesome love relationship but not everyone is willing to go through the tough phases, struggles, and the emotional psychodrama to get there. Some of us aim to be great leaders, business person, actors, singers, doctors, etc etc but when in reality, it’s just not viable or likely. Why? Because it is a complete statistical improbability that all individuals, yes each and every human being, on this planet earth achieve this extraordinary dream. We, as human beings, are afraid to accept that we are not exceptional (It kind of blows your mind when you first realize this!) and, maybe afraid, that if we accept we are not exceptional, then maybe we will never achieve anything. This, too, is a misguided belief because the people who became truly exceptional at something did so not because they believed they were gifted or exceptional but they were obsessed with improvement and what happened was somehow destiny, I know you are made to think that destiny is myth (sigh!, I can’t argue on that because I am biased).

Now taking this argument further, I want to ask a question—
Is life only worthwhile if it is truly exceptional and great, rich and famous?
If your answer is ‘Yes’, then by this presumption, statistically speaking, most human population is worthless (because most of us do not achieve this dream!). And even if, we ALL live life with this belief, that we are truly exceptional people put on this earth to achieve greatness in our chosen sphere, we will eventually feel unhappiness and disappointments, as river of life never runs this course of high tide.

So, in my view, it is only my view and you may differ, the key to achieving something in our lives is the acceptance that we are average mortal beings, and live each day of our lives filled with internal peace and certainty that tomorrow is full of ‘Possibilities’. There’s something unsettling about this acceptance but at the same time it is, maybe, liberating, too. If we can flow with this certainty in our lives, then we can arrive at ‘internal peace’, which is a very powerful place to be. Internal peace is the most valued placed to be. We may have to change our perspective and by doing so we open ourselves up to a new world of exciting and fulfilling possibilities, where ‘yes’, (this is the great irony about Life), we can achieve something exceptional!  After, hearing so many problems, as an astrologer, I really want people to make the best of their life. Anyways, why we take life so seriously? Really, why? We need to find humor in something every day, and laugh a lot!

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” – Confucius
Please share your own views on this…….


  1. But Sunita! Aren't we all exceptional in our own way? Maybe the trick is not to fall for the stereotypes of "exceptional" and thinking that we've failed :)

    1. Yes, we all are 'special' in our own way but the stereotype attached with the word, 'exceptional', is heavy to carry, not easy to understand too..


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