February 2016 Monthly Forecast: CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS, PISCES

Planet Saturn rules over your sign. From 9th, many planets will be traveling through your sign. Of course, this planetary influence will bring a definite change in you and your life. The year 2016, will be the year when there will be many changes, starting from the month of February and you will have to make adjustments with the changing times. On 13th, Valentine’s Day, planet Venus of beauty, will also enter your sign, you may bring changes in your appearance too. You may change your hair stylist (this holds true for Capricorn men too!), women Capricorn make try out new beauty makeup techniques. With so many traveling through your sign, you will look amazing. February is a Valentine’s month; you will certainly impress someone who is special in your life. Okay, Capricorn, now for big news, there is one very important celestial phenomenon occurring from this month, planet, Mars, normally stays in one sign approximately for 40 days but from February 18th to September 18th (except for a brief period of June 18th-July 12th) it will stay in one sign for unusually long time and that too in company of your ruling planet, Saturn. As per astrology, this combination warns you to be cautious, since argumentative Mars is colliding with your planet, there is a chance you may have some showdown with someone this month or probably in next 7 months over an issue that you may have been tolerating over a period of time but then one day you may decide ‘enough is enough’. Understandable Capricorn, you are the most reliable and stable sign of the zodiac. However, you can alternatively heal your soul by letting the negativity flow away from your body and soul.

As per Vedic astrology, planet Saturn rules over your sign. The south node of Moon, Ketu, has now shifted to your sign and remains in your sign for about one and a half years. Spirituality, humanitarian concerns, philosophical or maybe religious outlook will be more from now, whatever gives you more satisfaction or contentment will help you connect you with others and also tune you with your higher energies. From February 18th through September 18th, circumstances will be such that you will be forced to bring changes in your work and home life. It will be a beginning of a new chapter of your life, closing old and familiar patterns may not be too easy for you. If you are holding onto some past hurts and regrets, let them go now. A wise and happy person is the one who when faces an undesirable situation and works with it willingly. Create opportunities despite the circumstances around you. This feels better and provides better results.With planet Mars and Saturn in tough position, you may feel unsure, anxious and may be suspicious of hidden agendas but keep moving forward. Loss of job, trying to make work transition or may be look for new work avenues may become your primary concerns but astrologically I would advise you to be cautious and take only calculated risks at work. Mercury and planet Venus will be placed in hidden sector of your solar chart. On Valentine’s Day, these romantic planets may bring some surprises for you, though you may not be open to idea of sharing your experience with the rest of the world yet!

As per Vedic astrology, planet Jupiter rules over your sign. Rahu and Ketu after staying in your sign since July 12, 2014, for about 1 ½ years, have finally moved away. Rahu and Ketu, the nodes of Moon, bring uncertainty, surprises and sudden happenings, not always to one’s liking. One moment everything in life is going smooth and easy and sudden unexpected happenings may have led to stressful situations….if this was your story past 1 ½ years, you will feel relieved and happily say goodbye to transit of these nodes of Moon away from your sign! From 9th, Mercury and the later Venus, will bring socializing and group activities a celebratory note to this romantic Valentine’s month. You will start to see your social life pick up as you get invitations to attend get-togethers and social functions and events. You may meet unusual and different but interesting people. One very important change I foresee in you is that you may connect yourself with some charities and humanitarian issues, living proactively will be so much more rewarding and exciting. I have something very important to share with you, normally your ruling planet, Mars, stays in one sign approximately for 40 days but this month, Mars will remain in one sign, from February 18th to September 18th (except for a brief period of June 18th-July 12th) for unusually long time. This unusual long stay of 8 months in one sign will have major impact on your career and money. Be careful about how and where you save your money. If you use debit or credit cards on making online purchases, please be careful against any misuse and take necessary steps to protect your password, pin numbers, etc. Do not go overboard with your spending too!


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