November Monthly Forecast: GEMINI

GEMINI: Planet Mercury rules over your sign. Life becomes much more effortless when we are living in alignment with what is important to us. Thanks to planet Mercury’s transit with Sun, the soul of the zodiac, you may entertain friends and family members this month. Planets sure are building all the drama, the kind you see on television soap series, and all through this drama you need to protect your inner goodness. In the first half of the month, especially from 9th through 12th, there may be fear or anxiety in you, hence restlessness and from 12th planets will bring amazing and exciting opportunity to meet many new or probably people you already know but have not met in recent time. From 12th, some Gemini’s may find happiness in their children, some in creative works they do or maybe some get affected by love relations. Gemini, in past one year you have worked through challenges but now planetary tide is over your home life and property matters. Rahu, the north node of Moon, will eclipse Mars, the planet responsible for all actions or karma. You may meet many people this month however uncertainty and ambiguousness will stay strong. You may feel concerned about the well-being of someone older/elder in the family. Familial responsibilities and may be self-imposed duties may weigh heavy on you. If, you go through this kind of situation that I am describing, make sure you’re taking a constructive proactive approach. Pray for God’s blessings as everything in our life happens for a reason and have some profound message. This is also a great time for better understanding and rebuilding life with your family members especially with your children. Cherish each moment of happiness, intimacy and laughter. At some point during this month, you may be reluctant to say what you feel and then when you do say, it may help you do things you never thought you could do.


  1. Hi Sunita,

    Hope you're well.

    Just wanted to suggest that I find your monthly forecasts revealing to read and I look forward to reading them. However, if it takes you almost 2-3 weeks to put up all the signs, or certainly the last 3 - then it defeats the purpose, as that month has almost already passed. So I kindly suggest that you try and post all the signs in one go or at the least in the first few days of each month, despite however busy you are.

    As of now, we are half way through November and if anything you should be preparing next months reading of each sign to be posted.

    I hope you will make this change.

    Many thanks.


  2. Hey nice blog, agreed with you. Thanks for posting such informative pose here. Keep updating with time.


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