Sun Sign Leo and the year 2013

Birth date-July 23 - August 22
Leo and the year 2013: Leo, in your birth year, July/August 2013-2014, tensions will slowly ease out and your money conditions becomes strong. Your business and profession will improve. Some of you may start new business ventures or may apply for new posts. Thus your income and your financial position will be good. If you are employed, your work and talent will be appreciated by your boss. Some of you may get increase in their salary. It is a possibility, that you may now be able to generate new sources of income which will be economically beneficial for you. For those who are self-employed gains in trade are indicated. Your investments may fetch you good returns. If you are in the creativity field, you may find that you are bubbling with creative energy and talents, so more success for those in the cinema, television, music industry, advertisement or entertainment industry. You may now be more open to making friends. You will be socially more active, and there may be opportunities through social media like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, etc. You could become more active on internet with friends. You may take special joy in sharing a common cause or ideals with others. Reaching out beyond your own immediate personal circle may open many doors to you.
 If you’re single, you’re likely to meet someone special during this period. You will feel less bound by duties and responsibilities now, and may let your hair down and have some fun!
 Good news with regarding your children is also indicated. It is a great one year period to have children, if you’ve been trying to have a baby and if you already have children, it is possible, your children may attain improvements in all the walks of their life. They may do better in their studies; get good jobs, promotions in their jobs, and salary hike.

Leo and their general characteristics: Lion, the king of the jungle, symbolizes Leos (read both men and women Leo’s). Leo is the fifth Sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by Sun. Sun in astrology represents power, name and fame. Leo’s are ambitious by nature, and are natural leaders. Leo is genuine, trusting and never lacking in kindliness, they are more disillusioned than the average if let down by those they trust. The ambitiousness of their schemes and their practical hardheadedness and ability to go straight to the heart of any problem sure is inspiring.
 Warmth and enthusiasm of Sun seems to seep from every Leo’s pore and also not to forget their Lion-size pride. All Leos, that I personally know, have tried to communicate directly or in a roundabout way that THEY are different from others. Their faults can be as large in scale as their virtues, like all human beings, but Leo pride will not let them admit it. If they argue, it is because ‘you’ are unreasonable, if something goes wrong it is ‘your’ fault, yet they are sincere and generous to their loved ones.

Leo and health:  Leo governs the heart, head, bones, right eye throat and lungs. Diseases of the heart, high blood pressure, baldness or weak eye sight are not so uncommon in Leos.

Leo and color: The color of choice for Leo is Gold or golden orange.

Leo and Birthstone: Birthstone is the Ruby. 

Leo and Caution: Ego and pride.

Leo and Spiritual thought: Although, there is no book of rules on ‘how to lead a happy life’, learn what you need to grow and move on, yes it takes a great deal of discipline to remain steadfast in your life journey but have a belief that everything is for the best!


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