Want- Love, Money and a great Job

It is really funny, not intentional though, whenever we are going through some problematic phase in our lives, everybody around us become most intelligent and wise people and it is the other way around also, meaning someone close to us is going through troubled times we too act as though we are the direct messengers of Dalai Lama or Lord Krishna. It is not a fake act but it so much easier to see the solutions to other people’s problems than it is to find the answers to our own. It’s like when we are driving a car, we can’t really see whether there is a dent or a scratch but for every other car on the road, we can see.
How often have you wanted to tell a loved one, relative or a friend, “Can’t you see if you got out of this job or relationship, you’d be so much happier?” 
 Despite what scientists and theorists have to say we do most of the things simply because we are naturally programmed by our bhagya, the destiny plan, in subconscious mind that inspire life events. Otherwise how do you explain people falling in love with someone and finds attraction whom you see with a lot of obvious character flaws. No logic or reasoning works here. We are either blind to our flaws or choose to close our eyes to our own flaws.  To bring radical change in our lives, we need to do things differently or try a new approach. The chain of karmic retribution can only be broken when we are willing. We want -love, money and a great job- sometimes we have to keep looking until we see things a different way. We think we know so much, but maybe we know so little…


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