Planets at war: April 15th - May 13th; Testing times ahead

Astrology may not be able to make precise future predictions; however, it can indeed reveal the tendencies of your future. Astrology reveals an increased probability of a certain type of event to occur. This is the true strength of astrology, to inform you about the probabilities of occurrence 
of certain types of events. 

Astrology is the study of the alignment and activity of planets, stars and constellations, based upon the belief that these alignments have bearing on our lives.  The stars generally do control the fate of people and nations. A natal chart is never bad or good and can be useful in predicting the future events but it is not fatalistic in nature, free will always comes first. Every one of us has the freedom to follow our path in all lucidity, and above all, to have confidence in our future. Astrology is not to bring the fear of the future; instead, let it be a wake-up call to make sure you are in a right relationship with God, universe and nature. The purpose of astrology is to rise above the influences of the cosmos and take control over our own lives.

In this article, I am providing the seriousness of coming planetary tide, from April 15th through May 13th, with reference to all of us individually, countries and/or organizations, the intensity of the event occurrence will depend on our individual charts (countries like individuals also have charts). Mars will enter military sign on 12th (Vedic astrology) and from then onwards planetary build up begins. Mars rules over police and military actions and may escalate tensions bringing war like situations among countries (Korea for instance). This one month period is especially not favorable for people placed in high administrative positions (CEO’S, Managing directors etc) and politicians (Prime Ministers, Heads of States, Presidents, etc). The cosmic energy affects us all, so the test for each of us this one month period is related to facing up to reality. It has been seen, in past, terrorist activities and crime also increases in such constellations. How does it affects us individually, as I have written above, depends on our individual horoscope charts, but overall this is not the best time to begin anything important or sign important documents. Essentially it means: do not argue with your boss (yes, boss is in equally bad mood), avoid resigning during this period, tackle legal matters with utmost care, Mars in Aries with South Node of Moon, Ketu, is explosive planetary position, hence not best time to undergo even medical surgeries (your doctor is your best judge so avoid self-medications), avoid confrontations at home over sensitive issues (remember this article when you find other person is testing your patience) and not best time for business partnerships. 

One of the ways of overcoming this challenging planetary position is to develop present moment awareness, that you are watching every actions or work you do. Wisdom is in doing proactive actions. Every single action and intention will in one way or another eventually affect our futures. This means we must welcome the responsibility for the choices we take. Our free will or our proactive actions or good karma can shatter the course of action ordained for us by the stars. Astrology gives us choice to rise above cosmic influences through proactive actions or good karma.  We all desire and make wishes for ourselves but here now let us pray for global peace.

The strength of our own spirit or atma can make our own individual world beautiful. This, collective individual spiritual improvement, will help overcome challenging cosmic influence. How many times do we say to ourselves, "What can I do? These are my circumstances!" Each person on this earth is like a drop separated from the same divine ocean and collective desire for peace can bring this huge drops together as a whole.


  1. How is the time for those travelling abroad? Will it be discouraging?

  2. hi , have the similar query.
    your work is really commendable.

  3. Hi, Ma;am,

    I just love your posts..


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