Scorpio 2012 Monthly Forecast by Sunita Chabra

SCORPIOS:As per Vedic astrology, planet Mars rules over your sun sign. Your job is important and six months from 20th are probably the most important months of the year for your professional growth. So give your best and explore new ideas. Mars and Saturn are at planetary war on 15th but you may feel the heat even before and probably a month after also. May be you or someone close to you may feel low in health and may also need medical attention or (god forbid) may also be hospitalized. All experiences serve an important purpose though you may not want to admit it but your worst experiences are always your best teachers. Spiritual evolvement sometimes occurs when you are still dwelling over a situation that happened in your life and can’t find answers. You may have forgotten what the true purpose of your life is and what is more important to you other than money and worldly pursuits. Jupiter’s aspect sets you on path of higher learning. ‘Spirituality’ and inclination towards humanitarian causes will be strong in coming seven months. Jupiter aspect on your sign will encourage higher learning for exploring ideas, both intellectually and spiritually.
