Pisces 2012 Monthly Forecast by Sunita Chabra

PISCES:As per Vedic astrology, planet Jupiter rules over your sign. The days on and after 2nd are beautiful for love, romance, party and you may express few small but happy desires to the universe for it is in fulfilling mood for YOU. It is hard to predict the actions you take, or actions that may suddenly be taken against you as planet Mars and its arch enemy Saturn meet for their annual boxing bout on 15th. If you have conflict of opinions, extinguish the anger, and release the tension in the heart before the situation worsened. In life remember, whatever we resist persists. One wrong move and you get swirled and caught up in the storm. It is not the time to act on impulse and in astrology when you choose to act is always critical. Keep a strong grip on your spending and finances from 12th August through 30th September. For it will be only afterwards, when bills including credit card bills, will announce how rash and impulsive your purchases and spending was. For legal settlements and other money investment it is not the best period of the year. 
