July 2017 monthly forecast: GEMINI, CANCER

Planet Mercury rules over your sign. As the month opens, Sun (the soul of the zodiac), Mars (the zodiac time keeper) and Mercury (this planet rules over your sign) are all holding hands in your sign. From 1st through 15th, Sun moves through your sign, you will feel energetic. Sun has taken one complete year to return to your sign, this is the time to re-invent yourself, changing personal habits, or probably how you look, dress or may be your mannerism change, you will also get noticed and possibly make a personal impression on others. You may not be aware of how planets are helping you, so immerse yourself, take initiative, do your best work, as Mars supports you, from 1st through 12th. Socially speaking, it is sometimes (not always), good to be center of attention, as useful as you may be, you risk offending others who are jealous and insecure about themselves, so stay alert and motivated without losing your temper. If you are able to let go of past hurts and insecurities, you may find the month of July exciting throwing up new possibilities and unexpected things. You need to keep a check on your impulses and need for taking unnecessary risks. From 4th through 14th, is good time for partnership, marriage and relationships. You can have a heart-to-heart discussion with your partner, if anything is troubling you or causing unnecessary tension. From 25th of July, the focus will shift from relationships to money.

Moon rules over your sign. Cancer, from 1st through 11th, Sun and Mars, the two most energetic and fiery planets, are traveling through quiet, behind-the-scenes and solitary sector of your solar chart. Universe is giving you time to let go of all the past hurts, heal (spiritually and also physically) and probably some soul searching is needed before moving on to the most active and important phase of your life of the year 2017. For personal peace of mind and also of soul, you need to do some self-analysis or soul searching. Many statistics studies indicate that a mental wellness is related with physical wellness and also impacts a person's risk for certain diseases. So, Cancer, keep yourself positive, no matter what, do astro-remedies and prayers, you will benefit from all this. Now, comes the most important news-- from 12th, Mars, the time keeper of the zodiac, enters your sign, this planet only visits your sign every two years, it will give you new opportunities to do many new things in life. Encircle 18th of July on your calendar, it is a lucky date, you can schedule important work on or near this date. Professionally, six months starting from 23rd will be very important. No matter what, your name, your reputation and work will be enhanced.


  1. Ye birthdate se dekhte hai ya horoscope se

  2. Ye birthdate se dekhte hai ya horoscope se

    1. aap birth date aur janam lagna dono se padei aur dekhe kaun sa aap par sahii fit hota hai.

  3. Just reading this now Sunita - it's always a pleasure! :) Including the quotes!


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