June 2017 Monthly Forecast: AQUARIUS, PISCES

As per Vedic astrology, planet Saturn rules over your sign. In first 8 days of the month, there will be much going on in your personal life, your relationship with your parents and other family members, your home and most important what brings you happiness will be important for you. In coming 3 months from now, you will be inclined to bring changes in your home, either beautify your home, make improvements to your home or probably think of shifting to a new home. 4th through 17th of this month, are crucially important for your career. People’ perception about you, your name and reputation in society will be equally important for you. If, your work is related to films, television, media, communication, designing or any other creative field, you may suddenly find yourself in limelight. During this period, how you perform at work will accordingly bring productive results and benefits. If, you have applied for some new job position then it is possible that you may get a reply. On 21st of June, Saturn will temporarily shift back to your career sector in your solar chart to finish all pending works for you and will finally bid you goodbye on 27th October 2017. Saturn will not to return to your career sector another 30 long years once it leaves your professional sector. Saturn threw harsh challenges not only in your work sphere but even in your relationships. Every change or challenge you face contains precious jewels of wisdom, lessons, and the opportunity to grow into a more capable person. It is not possible in life to grow but remain at personal ground zero level. From 24th, your social life will pick up. Overall June is a busy month for you!

As per Vedic astrology, Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, rules over your sign. You will be surprised to read this, in the month of June, I foresee many people in your home, people coming and going. It will be a busy month, what with you traveling and people visiting you at your home. Maybe, you have house guests. Some of you may even think of re-doing the interiors or buy furniture for your home. From 1st through 14th, travel sector of your solar chart is highlighted. From 1st through 7th, Mars will be active, so you will spend a lot of time on road, traveling, trekking or maybe sightseeing. If, you are not traveling then it is possible that you may shift to a new neighborhood. From 4th June through 17th, it is possible that you may receive some important news or have some people visiting you and be your house guests too. You may have more communications with close relatives or friends, whether it’s in person or over the phone. During this period, your mind will be expanding and you will be gathering lot of information. Some of you may sign some important papers too. Jupiter, your ruling planet, wakes up from its celestial sleep on 9th; thereby gaining strength, moreover on 21st Saturn removes its aspect temporarily from your work area. Jupiter also rules over career sector, hence all efforts you do for promoting your work will start to give dividends from last week of this month onwards. From 23rd of June, again your attention shifts to your home and family. For some reason, your family may require more attention from you. It is also possible you may work from home in 15 days from 23rd or start some new business venture from home, probably for ease or economic reasons. Innovative ideas (maybe you don’t even realize it, they are brilliant bordering on genius!) at work will bring not only growth and money but will also help bring work stability in coming months for you. Please mark 15th on your calendar (plus minus 4 days), Saturn will oppose Sun on this date, avoid any confrontation with seniors at work or with anyone in authoritative position. It would be best to avoid important works near these dates.
