Love, Marriage, Career, Money, Children or WHAT?

We all get up in the morning, eat, work, go through daily work routines and at night go to bed and sleep, and then next morning same- eat, work,…. day after day, and day after day. So, what is it that keeps us going? Money, work ambitions, love relationships, family obligations or is it about children?
We spend our entire life working on our way to the top of the ladder (whatever our individual goals are) slaving away sometimes at a job where we are not mostly too happy for our entire life. Our life could be centered about money, love, romance, marriage and relationships. We spend, or shall I say give, our entire life for a business, a relationship, a family, a work of art. Those who are not able to achieve their goals they feel dissatisfied and interestingly those who do reach (maybe not many!) only to find that there is nothing there, maybe that’s why it is said it is lonely up at the top.
Major life events are often not as directly important to our physical and mental well-being, since work brings with it demotions, office politics; relationships also bring with it tussles and tensions; and if you are not able to have children it is of course a problem and if you have them then there is a whole new world and lifelong duties and obligations to fulfill; regarding money, well there is never ever enough for anyone ever in this world if that is what the pursuit is all about, it is never ever quenching thirst as we keep expanding our needs and requirements. We do have an “A-ha”, “wow” or eureka moments in our life’s journey. Buying a new car, getting promotion/money, getting married to the love of our life brings feeling but is often temporary, and when we lose it, we are left with a sense of emptiness.
 Essentially, we all need a reason to live and, each day, try to find it through -- our domestic chores, social obligations, relationships, children, money or career progressions. Consciously or unconsciously we are looking for a meaning in our lives. When we reach the meaning, we are fulfilled and until then we lead our life like running on a treadmill, going nowhere just living….
There are only certain things we can do in our lives and rest is our destiny. So, what is it we can do to attract life ..
1.      Positive outlook:-Many a times, we will not get what we truly deserve and since I like to think positive, I would say that’s okay, as we must be willing to let go of the life we planned or dreamed, for so we can enjoy the life that is waiting for us.
2.      Live in harmony with the world:-We must try, however difficult, to live in harmony at work, home and with all those who are surround us. Think of it as a test and like test once you ‘pass’ the whole new world will open in front of us. Living in harmony means recognizing the enormous power humans hold within their minds and by training our mind to focus on constructive material by avoiding gossip, wishing bad for others or any such unworthy thoughts.
3.      Help other people: - (This is one of my favorite) ‘Karma’, the world is created in some kind of cycle, whatever we do, sooner or later, it comes back to us. So, if we want ‘good’ in our lives, we should do ‘good’. Philanthropy, charity ‘daan’, etc all come under this.
4.      Learning- Knowledge is the most important thing in life and has the potential to dramatically improve our life. Bhagvad Gita, the Hindu scripture, talks about how knowledge can free us from miseries and sorrows in our lives. Most of us have heard the phrase “Knowledge is power”. Sir Francis Bacon was the first person attributed to the phrase "Knowledge is Power” and dates back to 1597, but we may not fully understand how to translate this into improving our lives in a practical way. With knowledge we can make better decisions and the more doors and opportunities open in our life. The constant pursuit of knowledge is one of the pillars of our success and happiness. No matter what happens in our life, knowledge is something that nobody can ever take away from us.

No matter how recent years may have been, good/okay/bad, hope abides…. that’s what I think is important, what have YOU to say? Please share…
Awesome quote:-
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did so. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain.


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